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Lehrstühle und Arbeitskreise des Instituts

Pharmazeutische Bioinformatik:

Klinische Pharmazie:


Pharmazeutische Biologie und Biotechnologie:

Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie:


Pharmazeutische Technologie:

Weitere Forschungsgruppen / Honorarprofessuren



Die Forschung ist eine der wichtigen Säulen der Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften in Freiburg. Neben zahlreichen geförderten Projekten der DFG gibt es verschiedene laufende Forschungsverbundprojekte an denen die Arbeitskreise des Instituts beteiligt sind:

Functional Diversity of Cofactors in Enzymes (DFG Research Training Group 1976)

A cofactor is a non-protein chemical compound that is bound to a protein and is essential for the enzymatic activity. Cofactors can be chemically divided into inorganic and organic cofactors. Members of both groups are remarkably diverse with respect to the reactions catalyzed by cofactor-dependent enzymes. The elucidation of cofactor functions in enzyme catalysis is central for the fundamental understanding of catalytic mechanisms. Moreover, it provides opportunities to identify new solutions for global issues such as renewable resources for chemical and energy production and the optimization of biotechnological production processes.
The aim of the Research Training Group is an innovative and structured training of excellent PhD students. This goal is achieved by the interdisciplinary research that is established by the cooperation of various research groups from the faculty of chemistry and pharmaceutical science, as well as from the faculties of biology and medicine.

Website RTG 1976

Diversity of asymmetric thiamine catalysis (DFG Research Group 1296)

Thiamine diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzymes catalyze a broad range of reactions, many still to be discovered, especially if non-physiological. The central aim of the Research Unit is to identify and introduce into practice new enzyme-catalyzed transformations through a fundamental understanding of the “Diversity of asymmetric thiamine catalysis”. The analysis of sequence, structure and function of twelve specifically chosen enzymes, belonging to different families of ThDP-dependent enzymes, will allow for the identification and modulation of the structure-function relationships. In this manner, superior parameters such as improved substrate specificity and stereoselectivity can be defined and implemented. Subsequently, the directed design of new biocatalysts could pave the way for new asymmetric syntheses which are currently not yet feasible.

Website FOR 1296

Medical Epigenetics (DFG Collaborative Research Centre 992)

Collaborative Research Centre 992 - Medical Epigenetics - from basic mechanisms to clinical applications Modern bioscience has entered a post-genomic era that is highlighted by seminal discoveries in the area of epigenetics. Normal development, cell type identities and disease require a better understanding of chromatin and of epigenetic control. The DNA sequence alone does not explain all aspects of heritable physiology and pathology. The CRC 992 »Medical Epigenetics«, MEDEP, provides a translational program for epigenetic research. Scientists from the University Freiburg Medical Centre, the University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics team up in a consortium that explores basic epigenetic mechanisms in cellular assays and explorative mouse models, validation of epigenetic control in animal models of disease, and translation of epigenetic principles to clinical applications.

Website CRC 992

Transport across and into membranes (DFG Research Training Group 2202)

The RTG focuses on the characterization of transport processes at a molecular level and the interaction of transport proteins with membranes. This highly challenging research field has a strong medical impact and the perspective of future growth. The aim of the RTG is to excellently qualify doctoral researchers by providing cutting-edge education and by strengthening interdisciplinary research in the field of ‘Transport across and into membranes’. The availability of manifold techniques within the RTG creates an excellent platform that enables doctoral researchers to acquire a broad spectrum of unique skills, providing them a wide selective advantage within the competitive job-market for scientists.

Website RTG 2202

Chemical Epigenetics (ALU FRIAS Research Focus)

The FRIAS Research Focus for the academic year 2016/17 will be on chemical epigenetics. Researchers in the project from the University of Freiburg are the projects applicants Bernhard Breit, Oliver Einsle, Stefan Günther and Manfred Jung. The FRIAS Research Focus deals with molecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulators from a chemical and biochemical view. It will be focused on epigenetic modifiers that have not been well validated yet as drug discovery targets. A special focus will be on acetyl and methyl lysine binding proteins.

ALU, FRIAS Research Focus



Technische Ausstattung

Neben der modernen Laborausstattung der verschiedenen Pharmazeutischen Disziplinen, die den Studierenden zur Verfügung steht, setzen die einzelnen Arbeitsgruppen zahlreiche Messapparaturen für laufende Forschungsprojekte ein. Dazu gehören z.B. NMR, LC-MS/MS, GC-MS, FTIR und VCD für analytische Messungen, High-Throughput Assays für zelluläre Tests oder Fermenter für biotechnologische Anwendungen. Mit dem BinAC steht ein großer Computercluster für das virtuelle Screening zur Verfügung. Neue kalorimetrische Messverfahren (z.B. ITC) und Asymmetrische Fluss-Feldflussfraktionierung (AF4) werden in der Pharmazeutischen Technologie eingesetzt.